Every woman around the world has always at her back someone who’s supporting her, whether it is a father, a mother, a sister or a brother or of course a good friend…
Women cannot achieve their dreams on their own, they need someone to rely upon, a backbone, a support who is always there…
From there you can have your own dreams, to be whatever you want, women all around can be well educated, raising children, holding a high position, become great leaders… with your brilliant ideas, and wise guidance…
Meanwhile, in 2019 and despite all advancements and freedom women all around the world are given, we see the ugly truth, the result of being misled, poor education, girls are getting married under 12 years, little girls giving birth to babies, groups are being kidnaped, rapes and that’s because men misuse their mastery (brother, father or even a mother or anyone the girls under his rule.
All under the name of culture and traditions which are already outdated, but still..people are holding to it and making it control their lives.
Lightening those minds need hard work, changing the culture and perspectives, is an extreme challenge and a long journey which will take years and years of hard work . Its never too late to start, let’s start by encouraging the girls’ education, an educated woman can have control over her life. They can be independent strong women in all conditions single or married, student or child. You must be part of the world improvement and share your word.
Instead of struggling to fight the men lets put hand in hand to help the women suffering out there!
Happy women’s day… 2019