Purchasing Luxury isn’t something that normally comes without some research and reflection, and in light of current circumstances. Parting with your hard-earned cash in such a monumental way is a big deal and it pays to know what you’re getting, both in appreciation value and in recent years, resale value. The luxury resale market is one that has exploded in popularity in recent years with sites like TheRealReal experiencing major growth (the company filed for a $100 million IPO back in June) as a result.
The RealReal is undoubtedly the leading retailer in the luxury consignment space online. Each year it produces a resale report which tracks what brands have piqued the interest of consumers looking to buy into the market. And there’s a new reigning champion for 2019.
As indicated by the Luxury Resale Report 2019, Gucci is the most looked through brand from the previous a year, with a 78% expansion in look. Maybe obviously, it’s the 18-multi year old market that is driving the premium. The report additionally takes note of that the brand goes about as a passage for streetwear purchasers to become tied up with extravagance.
Balenciaga had the strongest annual growth, recording a 102% increase in demand, landing it in the top 10 most searched brands for the year. Dior, Louis Vuitton, Chanel and Fendi all performed well, too.
Louis Vuitton
Christian Dior
Christian Louboutin
On the accessories front, if you’re looking to invest in a handbag, the Hermès Kelly pretty steadily retains its value over time with a whopping 93% resale value according to the site. Meanwhile, revival pieces, like the Dior Saddle Bag, “surge in value one to two years after making it back on the scene” meaning you’ll want to offload yours in that window to maximize earning potential.
Streetwear is also having a fairly major resale moment with year-over-year growth at 281% — searches in this sector are also coming from the 18-34 year old market. Top brands include Yeezy (which came in at number one on the list), Off-White, Nike, Supreme and Adidas.
As for what to get your hands on (or offload!) for the coming seasons? Mini bags, hair clips and tie-dye pieces are where it’s at, according to the report.
Mini bags
Hair clips
Interestingly, branded homewares are also having a moment with the value for logo-strewn items for the home increasing 5.5 times more than those without in the past year. It looks like Off-White has dropped its new homewares collection at the perfect time…
Finally, the report noted that sustainability was a key reason consumers were shopping on site. According to the report, 82% of customers ranked sustainability as an important reason for shopping TheRealReal, whilst 32% said that they use resale sites as a replacement for fast fashion.